Peptide-nucleic technology behind life on Earth - an unusually perfect (although it is singular ...) and, of course, was as perfect since the appearance on Earth of the first living creatures *. This requires recognition of inevitability that the peptide-nucleic tehnolgiya was somewhere, sometime, someone developed, standardized and developed to the highest level, and hitting the Earth, it is "wild" has degenerated and has initiated the process of "natural selection .Who, when and where he created the technology? Somewhere in deep space, this infa undoubtedly quite common ... but we have - not yet, but speculation is too speculative.But on the structure of the society of those who created and carried on the technology universe, apparently, can be judged by studying the unit of living things that inhabit the Earth today and populated once upon a time "..And so, this something we are going to do here!
Eye - a complex organ with a lens, lens, pupil, retina, the mechanism of accommodation and the nerve center that analyzes visual information - evolutionary appeared, apparently, very long time. These compound eyes are not only in mammals and other vertebrates, but also mollusks, some marine annelid worms - polychaetes, and even some advanced jellyfish and turbellarians.
For example, jellyfish - active hunters, have well-developed eye chamber, similar in structure to the vertebrate eye. The lens of the eye chamber has excellent optical properties and transmits an image with virtually no distortion.
Eyes have different groups of beings, who in the course of evolution has consistently occurred from each other, and therefore absolutely logical conclusion that these complex and perfect bodies did not arise anew each time, but simply inherited by later forms from earlier. In this regard, the presence of some ancient species is very simply constructed "eyes" suggests, most likely about what happened once the regression of this organ in populations that are almost never used the bodies of view.
It is believed that the ancient sea worms - Polychaetes have evolved from ancient stsifoidnyh jellyfish, so they got the eyes of meduzoidnyh coelenterates. Similarly, we must assume that, in turn, molluscs, vertebrates, trilobites, arthropoda inherited his eyes from the marine polychaete, because from them all they have occurred.
But then the question remains: where do the eyes first appeared? Who was the first being with these complex and effective body? Coelenterates meduzoidy appeared in the late Vendian, before the Cambrian. Prints of jellyfish-like creatures found among the remains of other creatures of late Ediacaran fauna. Hence, the eye might well appear in the beings of that time, that is basic, the most advanced species of fauna Vendian well see each other! Most vendobiontnyh organisms (ie organisms living in the Vendian) had many features that strongly differentiate them from the majority of modern organisms. From our contemporary organisms closest to vendobiontam sponges, coelenterates, turbellarians yes mushrooms Myxomycetes with their distant relative of the underwater-multi-core an amoeba of the genus Pelomyxa. Contemporary forms of these creatures are much more primitive than those that were once in the Vendian dominated the Earth, they are relegated to the most simple biological niche, and has since degenerated into a very - have kept the most simplified structure of bodies.
Ciliated larvae of coelenterates - planuly, resemble the structure of ciliated worm turbellarians, that is, turbellarians - ancestor of coelenterates. The very same ancient turbellarians probably once occurred on some early myxomycete-like pre-vendobiontnogo beings.
Most modern turbellarians, in particular - planarians have simple eyes arranged. But some ground turbellarians eyes have a complex structure, equipped with the lens, but other than that - a pretty impressive brain, the organs of equilibrium * ... So, the ancient advanced vendobiontnyh turbellarians-like flat ciliated worms have become extinct by the beginning of "Cambrian explosion", the eyes, is doubt, were quite developed, with the lens, retina, the mechanism of accommodation and nerve gangliyamim analyzer in the brain! And, besides, they are, logically, but then made landfall! But in this case, we can assume that the eye arose not from jellyfish and not have turbellarians, and another more ancient creatures ...But even as the eye could appear? Body complex, consists of several components, each of which is in itself quite perfect from an engineering point of view ...
Among the first multicellular organisms to emerge on Earth and a half billion years ago, after an era of very large single-celled amoeboid creature, identified by multicellular organisms such as fungi. The most intelligent among modern mushrooms - this is certainly Myxomycetes, which are very interesting features of their behavior. After "hatching" of dispute, young, single-celled miksoamebki actively creeping flocks, while somehow effectively communicating with each other. Can, clinging to each other out, to build "living bridges" through the cracks in the substrate, all along looking for a suitable location, usually on rotting wood. It is believed that at this stage miksoamebki able to produce conditioned reflexes. Get comfortable, they form multicellular or multinuclear organism from which the developing mushroom-like fruiting body, where mature spores. Fruiting body of many Myxomycetes not pour passively disputes like other mushrooms. Developed in the conditions of still air are very sensitive myxomycete fruiting body awaits the slightest breeze, with the power to throw out in all directions clouds dispute. Is among the Myxomycetes active hischiki that catch and digest soil nematodes. But, it is a modern organism we strongly degenerated and a half billion years! .. The ancient ancestral forms could be much harder, smarter and take a much deserved place in the flora-fauna of that time!
A most interesting, perhaps, the earliest stage of development, then, long ago, a half billion years ago ... It was a special life-changing phenomenon - the emergence among the large-celled creatures to the particular socio-organized community, evolved later in a multicellular organism ... Apparently, in a very short but turbulent period in our world emerged and developed (... or moved in space ...) organized civilized community, social and intelligent single-cell engineers to create and develop special technologies - combined with each other in a particular functional groups to organize a special structure, which subsequently became the eye, ear , nerve ganglion, organ of touch, smell, balance, muscle, skeleton ... interesting language that these ancient smart cells to communicate. Neurons, as miksoamebki, pass each other information swings membranes with modulations in amplitude and possibly the frequency. But this tune! Language of music!
It is not surprising that even now, after half a billion years, studying our body, biologists never get tired surprised many analogies between the organization of cells in the body and the organization of people in society. Interesting, for example, the analogy between the birth, development and aging of multicellular organisms and the production, development and aging of the enterprise, any "AO", "LLC" ... The same construction company structure, body, association of individuals in the functional managerial, supervisory, production groups that are guided by relevant technological instructions, the same role of fast and efficient communication within and between groups ...
Especially curious analogy between the endocrine regulation of the body and the system of state finance. Endocrine system is clearly much more efficient!
That's why, for better understanding of the foundations of the economy, not too much happens in parallel to learn and the fundamentals of biology!Or look at the immune system. He is, after all, as produced? There are so clever amoeboid cells - macrophages. They are, incidentally, as well as migratory gonotsity are very similar to those of giant-celled engineers and inventors who, in our opinion, a half billion years ago, "build" in a multicellular organism, the state (the oldest Myxomycetes), the common ancestor of all multicellular organisms. Macrophages are fragments of foreign proteins, fix it pseudopodia on the surface and study the amino acid sequence. Then this clever engineer workaholic finds a special young blast cells - so-called B-lymphocyte - consult with the other - a mature police cells - T lymphocytes (indeed, whether this protein chuzheroden?) And constructs a version of labile fragment antibodies of the future. Engineered version of the macrophage in any particular technological trick saves in the form of a DNA fragment in the variable region of the genome of the young B-lymphocytes. Then this is the B-lymphocyte receives a signal to proliferate, settling in the lymphoid organs, and reproduces, narabatyvaya many of their descendants. These descendants of the receiving signal as a specific growth factor, are transformed into plasma cells and brings ever to create a variant antibody. "Budding" of most plasma cells, himself a B-lymphocyte is blast cells, which may temporarily and to stop proliferation, if not be the right signal ... So many macrophages simultaneously infiltrates design antibodies to foreign protein. Naturally, these antibodies are designed for those fragments of captured antigen fragment, which happened to be in "sight" of macrophage analyzers. Then comes the second phase of immunity where antibodies are created are tested for their effectiveness. When it appears that the antibody is inefficient - the proliferation of B-lymphocyte with the appropriate Projects stops, but if effective - is stimulated. After some time (usually 12 - 14 days after the onset of immune response) are generated enough antibodies to neutralize foreign antigens taken root.Thus, summarizing, we can say that the first eye with the lens, pupil and retina, apparently invented by the ancient wise mushrooms - some arch-Myxomycetes somewhere out there in the early Wende.And the question of the origin of vertebrates also have intereseny moment. Did the eye with the lens and the mechanism of accommodation ancient pikayya? Sure. Although the fossil imprints of this is difficult to judge. But she was not at half-blind as the current lancelet - that's for sure!Lv Lev Polishchuk, Kyiv 2009Leo A. Polishchukastr_omon@yahoo.com
On the origin of the eye and multicellular organisms in english - direct links in a directory of links. Information about dinosaurs. Dialogue with evolutionists about vendobiontah-turbellarians - "Macroevolution" left without arguments ...
So, summing up, the evolution. There has been a creation of his eyes long before the Cambrian, and even Wendy. As already mentioned, turbellarians, which (along with other flatworms - cestodes with their bilateral symmetry of glide reflection) is morphologically identical to many Vendian organisms are now predatory ground (earth and water), representatives from the rather weighty brain, eyes with the lens and the optic nerve analyzers :(About turbellarians with eyes)
The same chamber eye analyzers have some modern jellyfish:
Have similar eyes and modern representatives of polychaetes:
If some taxa that occurred from each other, have a complex trait, is absolutely logical to assume that they have this trait inherited from each other. This means that the eyes do not occur repeatedly and are not transferred "horizontally viral vector." This proposition is called Occam's Razor "And this means that at least a billion years ago predatory big-eyed creatures with big brains have held sway on the ground among the lichens and fungi. I wonder if they knew how to fly already?The ancient "fish" (or ancient amphibian larvae to metamorphosis in ontogeny, yet not found in prints by paleontologists?) And modern salamanders have genome three times more massive than a human. Biochemical "kitchen" the man has many important pathways for the synthesis of so-called "Vitamins", "essential" amino acids. Nothing remained of molecular-genetic basis of absolute regenerative, such as those turbellarians ...
Thus, "evolution" after Venda since the so-called "Cambrian explosion" - is an adaptive devolyutsiya away from universalism. Fitting then went to one, then another climatic environment, with specific genomic losses were ...
A "evolutionists" so - mishandled Cossack creationism in biology who deliberately create easy-criticized design, make life easier for creationists.
Thus, vertebrates and invertebrates have in VENDIAN or even before a single common ancestor, big-eyed! deployed Pax genes in eye development at the early evolution of animals demonstrated by studies on a hydrozoan jellyfish
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